Support the campaign to save our ticket offices
As you will have seen, the Train Operating Companies and the Government have now formally revealed their plans to close almost 1,000 ticket offices.
These plans are sold as ‘modernization’, but this is simply a smokescreen. in reality this is about further de-staffing our stations.
Section 188 notices served by several companies have put more than 2,300 jobs at risk among our station grades. Ticket office regulations are the only restraint on train operating companies simply removing all staff. Once the ticket office closures take place, the companies will be free to do what they want.
Closing ticket offices will be catastrophic for passengers in general, but particularly for disabled people, the elderly, people with learning difficulties, non-English speakers, and many more people who rely on being able to speak to someone at a station in order to be able to get around.
We are asking for the movement’s support.
Public consultations have opened for each train company and they will close on 26th July. It’s imperative that we get the biggest possible public opposition registered to these plans.
Members can respond to the public consultations online via the website here:
We are encouraging our members to please respond before 26th July.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Posted: 14th July 2023